Resources with "Engaging High Impact Volunteers" Keyword

Keywords are the primary categories of resources.

Resource Resource type Tags Year
"Applying for a Job Online" Powerpoint Training - Huntington Beach

This powerpoint presentation was created for a high skilled volunteer to deliver training to library patrons on "Applying for Job On

Training Materials job coach, Training 2012
"E-mail Basics" Powerpoint Training - Huntington Beach

This powerpoint presentation was created for a high skilled volunteer to deliver training to library patrons on "E-Mail Basics.&quot

Training Materials tech coach, Training 2012
"Intro to the Internet" Training Powerpoint - Huntington Beach, CA

This powerpoint presentation can be used for volunteers to provide training on the internet and how to use it.

Position Descriptions computer coach, tech coach, Training 2012
22 Simple Tips for Managing Virtual Volunteers

Help with planning for, implementing and managing volunteers who work remotely.

Training Materials virtual, virtual volunteer, remote 2021
3 Tips for Finding New Board Members

Great advice for how to think about and plan for board member recruitment.

Training Materials boards, Trustees, Recruitment 2021
Action Words for Use in Position Description Development - San Jose

A terrific list of action words to assist when preparing volunteer position descriptions.

Training Materials Position Descriptions 2010
Adult Literacy Students Giving Back

In this 5- minute video, be inspired by adult literacy students in San Jose who are giving back to their community.

Training Materials adult literacy, Video 2011
Book to Action Project- Santa Barbara Public Library

Book-to-Action Programs 2012: Bringing programs about the environment to Santa Barbara Public Library libraries (Green @ Your Library), i

Training Materials Book to action, community service, teen volunteers, environment 2012
Build a Better Volunteer Engagement Program

Brush off the cobwebs, clean out the closets, and check for cracks.

Training Materials Recruitment, management 2010
Building Better Library Volunteer Programs - Australia

This paper was written by Dr.

Training Materials Prestney, Lehn, Get Involved, Australia 2014
Building Capacity Through Volunteer Leadership

In a world where people are increasingly time poor, volunteering competes with work, family and leisure activities.

Management Tool leadership 2018
Engaging Position Descriptions for Boomers and Future Generations of Volunteers

A great list of dynamic words and catchy titles to use when describing your volunteer opportunities!

Training Materials job descriptions 2024
Fun Volunteer Teambuilding Activities That Will Keep Your Remote Team Engaged

This article from Tobi Johnson about Volunteer Team Building activities includes instructions for both in-person and virtual activities.

Training Materials team building 2022
Importance of Meaningful Written Volunteer Job Descriptions

Video clip on this topic from a Get Involved Volunteer Engagement Institute in Oakland California in May 2015. (14 minutes)

Training Materials 2015
In Lieu of Money, Toyota Donates Efficiency to New York Charity

This New York Times article provides an excellent example of a company providing their skilled volunteers to address the needs of a volun

Training Materials skilled, Skilled Volunteers 2013
Online Book Sale Operation - Mesa AZ

The link below to a 10 minute video will introduce you to the Mesa Public Library's amazing online booksale operation (about $100,000/yea

Training Materials online booksales, Friends, Friends of the Library, Booksales 2022
Partners in Reading Leadership Team, San Jose, CA

In this 2-minute interview with Judy Klikun, you will learn about engaging volunteer leaders, building teams and developing advocates for

Training Materials adult literacy, Video, leadership team, team leaders, tutor 2010
Practicing What We Preach: Volunteers Helping Us Too

One of the enduring mysteries of the volunteer management field is how often those who lead volunteer efforts do not build a team of volu

Training Materials 2012
Putting Corporate Volunteers to Work

This one-hour webinar (2012) presents evaluation points to help volunteer managers determine if their program is ready to engage, or expa

Training Materials business partnerships, group volunteering, corporate relations 2012
Recruitment Success Story - Flagstaff Arizona

In this 4 minute video, Claudine from the Flagstaff library talks about her successes in finding a volunteer to serve as her assistant vo

Training Materials online booksales, Book sale 2019