Resources with "On-line Volunteer Recruitment" Keyword

Keywords are the primary categories of resources.

Resource Resource type Tags Year
4 Steps to Grow Your Volunteer Program with LinkedIn

Learn how to use LinkedIn and a free VolunteerMatch tool to extend your online recruitment reach to millions of potential volunteers on

Management Tool LinkedIn, social media, Recruitment 2015
Brave New World of Engaging Skilled Volunteers

Have you thought about how volunteers with specific skills could help ?

Training Materials VolunteerMatch, Volunteer Recruitment, LinkedIn 2015
Build a Better Volunteer Engagement Program

Brush off the cobwebs, clean out the closets, and check for cracks.

Training Materials Recruitment, management 2010
How to Recruit New Members for Your Association on Social Media

Some good guidelines for making social media work for you from Nonprofit Tech for Good.

Training Materials social media, Recruitment, Friends, Friends of the Library 2020
Recruit Volunteers Online: Find Your Next 20 COVID Superheroes with Smarter Strategy

The author describes three essential strategies needed to build a presence online that can recruit the ideal volunteers you need, those t

Training Materials Recruitment, online recruitment 2021
Revitalizing Library Volunteer Engagement

One hour archived recording of a WebJunction webinar: Library volunteerism is evolving.

Training Materials 2018
Small Library VolunteerMatch Success -- Johnson City TX

In this 4 & 1/2 minute video, Johnson City Texas Library Director, Maggie Goodman, shares her successful experience in posting a need

Training Materials rural, small, maker space, LinkedIn, VolunteerMatch 2017
Small Library VolunteerMatch Success Story - Brownwood Texas

In this 2 minute video, Brownwood Texas Library Director, Becky Isbell, shares her successful experience in posting a need for a skilled

Training Materials rural, Skilled Volunteers, VolunteerMatch 2017
Strategies for Attracting Today's Volunteers - DOVIA Sacramento Webinar

This archived webinar was presented by Carla Lehn for DOVIA Sacramento in February 2021. Learning Objectives for the session:

Training Materials Recruitment, online recruitment, Volunteer Job Description, Webinar 2021
Successful Volunteer Recruitment Strategies for Baby Boomers & Generations that Follow

This is a one hour archived webinar presented by Carla Lehn in February, 2012.

Training Materials Volunteer Recruitment, Skilled Volunteers, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millenials 2012
Tips & Tricks for Recruiting Online

This is the recording of a webinar presented by Jennifer Bennett, Director of Education and Training at VolunteerMatch on May 16, 2024.

Training Materials 2024
Tips for Creating an Online Opportunity that Connects with Volunteers

VolunteerMatch's suggestions for how to make your volunteer opportunities postings "pop" and get more attention from potential volunteers

Training Materials 2024
Tools for Volunteer Engagement Success

This one hour archived video was presented by Carla Lehn of the Get Involved: Powered by Your Library initiative for the incoming AmeriCo

Training Materials VolunteerMatch, online recruitment 2023
VolunteerMatch "Tour"

This is a recording of an online meeting "Tour" provided for incoming AmeriCorps members attached to California Library Literacy Services

Training Materials VolunteerMatch, Skilled Volunteers, skilled, virtual, virtual volunteer 2022