Resources tagged with "Millenials"

Tags are used to classify resources beyond the basic Keyword categories. A tag can apply to any kind of resource.

Resource Resource type Year
Engaging the Volunteer of the Future

This 1 hour webinar was presented by Jennifer Bennett, Education & Training Director for VolunteerMatch in January 2024.

Capacity Building Staff Training Millennials
Training Materials 2024
Millenials and Volunteering: Bridging the Generation Gap

Every day my LinkedIn feed and various business magazines are filled with articles about Millennials.

Training Materials 2015
Millenials Want to Make a Serious Impact

This blog post from describes the Millenial generation -- the 80 million born between 1980 and 2000 -- and their interest

Training Materials 2014
Successful Volunteer Recruitment Strategies for Baby Boomers & Generations that Follow

This is a one hour archived webinar presented by Carla Lehn in February, 2012.
Volunteer Recruitment Baby Boomers Engaging High Impact Volunteers On-line Volunteer Recruitment

Training Materials 2012